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G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting Communiqué
Lübeck, April 15, 2015
We, the Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the High Representative of the European Union have gathered in Lübeck on 14-15 April to address a number of major international issues that impact global peace and security. At a time of complex international challenges, we as G7 nations stand united in our commitment to respond to some of the most pressing issues in the world. Guided by our shared values and principles, including democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights, we are determined to employ coordinated efforts and action to uphold freedom, peace and territorial integrity, and to tackle challenges including terrorism, social instability as well as new types of security threats such as the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease.
In addition to exchanging views and coordinating actions as set out below, we endorsed our Agenda to help prevent future crises and to enhance security in Africa, as well as our Declaration on Maritime Security.
We reiterate our full support for the diplomatic efforts of the Normandy format and the Trilateral Contact Group and welcome the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements of 12 February 2015 agreed by the Trilateral Contact Group and endorsed by UNSC Resolution 2202. We welcome the initial steps to implement the package, but note the need for substantial and rapid progress on outstanding elements. We stand united in our conviction that the conflict in Ukraine can only be solved by diplomatic means and in full respect for international law, especially the legal obligation to respect Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence.
We call on all sides to fully assume their responsibility and to implement their commitments under the Minsk agreements. Further and verifiable progress is required in particular as regards respect for the ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons. We expect in particular Russia to use its considerable influence over the separatists to meet their Minsk commitments in full. In this respect, the G7 underlines the close linkage between full implementation of the Minsk Agreements and international sanctions. Sanctions are not an end in themselves; their duration should be clearly linked to Russia's complete implementation of the Minsk agreements and respect for Ukraine's sovereignty. We also expect Russia to take effective measures against trans-border support of separatist fighters. We will continue to closely monitor the situation.
We emphasise the OSCE's key role in helping deescalate the crisis through the Special Monitoring Mission as well as the Observer Mission and within the Trilateral Contact Group and commend the OSCE for its constructive response to the Minsk package. We call on all OSCE participating States to help provide the organisation with all support necessary to fulfil these responsibilities.
We welcome the support given at the Normandy Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Berlin on April 13 to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission and to the representative of the OSCE Chair for the swift establishment of working groups of the Trilateral Contact Group in order to start the political process needed to overcome the conflict.
We reiterate our condemnation of Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea more than a year ago in violation of international law and reaffirm our policy of its non-recognition and sanctions against those involved. Furthermore, we are concerned by the ongoing disinformation campaigns in the Russian state-controlled media as well as the growing pressure on political and civil society figures voicing disagreement with the course being taken by the Russian government.
Recalling the G7 The Hague Declaration of 24 March 2014, we recognise the importance of maintaining dialogue with Russia, in particular to working towards a comprehensive, sustainable and peaceful solution to the crisis in eastern Ukraine.
We commend the commitment of the Ukrainian government to extensive and sustainable reforms and support Ukraine in overcoming the economic crisis and rebuilding its economy. The Extended Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) agreed between the IMF and the government of Ukraine is an important basis for reform efforts in Ukraine and provides an anchor for the international efforts to support the stabilisation of the country. We underline the importance of meaningful and effective structural reforms in Ukraine, including constitutional reform with a particular emphasis on decentralisation/local government reform, and of continued efforts by the government to fight corruption, notably through the vigorous implementation of the package of anti-corruption laws adopted last year and the establishment of the new national Anti-Corruption-Bureau. We call on Ukraine to continue to successfully implement its ambitious reform agenda in line with IMF conditionality, Ukraine's World Bank Programme (WBP) and the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Both the reform programme and its swift implementation will boost confidence in the Ukrainian economy and political determination to accomplish further reforms. We are looking forward to learn more about Ukraine's reform efforts at the upcoming EU-Ukraine Summit (Kyiv, April 27) and the International Support for Ukraine Conference (Kyiv, April 28).
Energy security remains an important issue for Ukraine. We welcome efforts of the trilateral talks of EU, Ukraine and Russia to reach a sustainable agreement for gas deliveries. At the same time, we commend efforts by Ukraine to reform the energy sector, to diversify energy supply and to increase energy efficiency. We remain committed to the Rome G7 Energy Initiative to build a more diverse and resilient international energy system.
We reiterate our support for the multinational effort to secure and return to an environmentally safe condition at the site of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. We are committed to make the conference of donors to be held in London on April 29th a success and to take our responsibility to bring the projects to a successful completion.
We welcome the renewed efforts by the G7 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Global Partnership) to work closely with Ukraine on funding programmes in the areas of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological security.
We strongly condemn the attacks, atrocities, unlawful killings and abuses of human rights perpetrated by ISIL/Da'esh in Syria and Iraq as well as its ideological violent extremism and the destruction of cultural and religious heritage. ISIL's disregard for human rights and brutal negation of cultural diversity threatens peaceful co-existence, political stability and economic development in the region and beyond. We underline the importance of preserving the multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-confessional character of the Syrian and Iraqi societies. We are particularly outraged by mass atrocities committed against various population groups in Syria and Iraq based on their ethnicity or religious beliefs, as well as sexual violence against women and children.
We welcome the formation of the global coalition to counter ISIL/Da'esh encompassing over 60 countries committed to joining forces in areas of their respective strength against this terrorist organisation. G7 countries will, in close coordination with regional partners, actively contribute to the coalition's working groups on stabilisation, strategic counter-messaging, foreign terrorist fighters, countering terrorist financing, including disrupting revenues from oil assets, and military action.
We welcome the adoption of the "European Union regional strategy for Syria and Iraq as well as the ISIL/Da'esh threat" and call for its implementation.
We reiterate our strong condemnation of the Assad regime. Its brutality continues to drive this conflict which has been ongoing for over four years, killing more than 220,000 people and leaving 12.2 million in need of humanitarian assistance. In a war against its own people, the Assad regime is responsible for countless violations of international humanitarian law and human rights and has refused to hear the Syrian population's call for respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, inclusiveness and political reforms. Its acts have led to the growth of extremist groups including ISIL/Da'esh and the al-Nusra Front in Syria. Assad has demonstrated by his actions that he cannot be a partner in the fight against terrorism. All parties to the conflict must comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law, and must respect human rights. We express our full support for the UN Special Envoy for Syria de Mistura's efforts to bring about a political transition to peace. We call for and will actively support renewed efforts for an inclusive Syrian-led political process, in line with the Geneva Communiqué and which addresses the legitimate grievances of all components of Syrian society.
We welcome the outcome of the Kuwait III conference that mobilised pledges of 3.8 billion USD, and call for continued international efforts to mitigate the humanitarian crisis in Syria and to support the 3.9 million Syrian refugees registered by UNHCR and hosted by Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt. We are committed to continuing and broadening the support we are providing to the neighbouring countries most affected by the crisis, as agreed at the Berlin Conference on the Syrian Refugee Situation, and call for the international community to meet the funding needs of UN appeals for Syria and its neighbours. We are deeply concerned about the growing number of civilians trapped in besieged communities without access to aid or basic supplies. We are particularly concerned about the desperate situation of about 18.000 remaining Palestinian refugees and Syrians being held hostage by ISIL/Da'esh and al-Nusra Front in Yarmouk/Damascus, after having suffered a two-year siege by regime forces. We urge all parties to allow for the cessation of hostilities, for safe and unhindered humanitarian access as well as for the safe passage and evacuation of civilians. We call on all parties to the conflict to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access to all people in need throughout Syria. We are also committed to increase our support to people in need, on the basis of UNSC Resolution 2165.
We welcome the removal and destruction of more than 98% of Syria's declared chemical weapons stockpile, made possible by an extraordinary effort by a number of countries and organisations. While these weapons have been destroyed, we remain deeply concerned that Syria has failed to fully declare and destroy its entire chemical weapons programme. All remaining issues have to be clarified in good faith with Syrian participation and yield tangible results. We condemn in the strongest terms the continued use of chlorine gas as a chemical weapon by the Assad regime. The use of toxic chemicals as chemical weapons in Syria inter alia violates the Chemical Weapons Convention as well as UNSC Resolutions 2118 and 2209. We remain united in our determination to hold accountable those responsible for such inhumane acts.
We commit to continue our support for Iraq's unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity through political and economic cooperation and military means to enable Iraq to degrade and defeat ISIL/Da'esh. We encourage all Iraqis to actively work for national reconciliation and encourage Prime Minister al-Abadi to continue the path of reforms to achieve rapidly effective and comprehensive inclusiveness.
We are appalled by reports of violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law in Iraq, including the use of rape and sexual violence against religious minorities, and urge all sides to implement the recommendations of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in its report from 13 March 2015. We will continue to provide humanitarian assistance, and we share the UN High Commissioner for Refugees' concern for the more than 2.5 million internally displaced persons across Iraq, over one million of whom are urgently in need of assistance. We stress the need to rebuild inclusive and government controlled Iraqi Security Forces and underline that all armed groups must come under the command and control of the Iraqi state. Perpetrators of violations and abuses must be held accountable.
We are deeply concerned by ISIL's/Da'esh's destruction of world cultural heritage property in Iraq and call upon all UN member states to support initiatives within the General Assembly and relevant UN agencies to take action against these acts of barbarism.
We welcome the political understanding on key parameters of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action reached by the E3+3, facilitated by the EU, and Iran on April 2. This understanding contemplates a comprehensive deal that would limit Iran's enrichment and R&D programme, including by eliminating uranium enrichment at Fordow, preclude the production of weapons grade plutonium at the Arak reactor and require unprecedented monitoring and transparency. This deal would include sanctions relief by the US, EU and UN Security Council. We support the continuation of the efforts by the E3/EU+3 and Iran with a view to achieving a comprehensive solution by June 30 that will ensure the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme going forward and ensure Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons. We underline the importance of the continued effective implementation by the E3/EU+3 and Iran of the Joint Plan of Action. We call on Iran to cooperate fully with the International Atomic Energy Agency on verification of Iran's nuclear activities and to address all outstanding issues, including those relating to possible military dimensions.
We call on Iran to play a responsible and constructive role in its regional environment. In particular we urge the Iranian authorities to actively contribute to the efforts of the international community to achieve a political solution in Syria, to support the process of reconciliation in Iraq and to reject all acts of terrorism and terrorist groups. We also call on Iran to assist in facilitating dialogue between the legitimate authorities and the Houthis in Yemen in order to enable a de-escalation of the crisis.
We call on Iran to comply with international human rights obligations and end arbitrary executions, torture, religious discrimination and interference with free expression. We further urge Iran to cooperate with all relevant UN human rights mechanisms.
The crisis in Libya is a serious challenge to international peace and security requiring our full attention. We call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and for Libyan parties to rapidly agree on a government of national unity.
We are convinced that there can be no military solution to the conflict. Only a political solution through an inclusive process can provide a sustainable way forward to peace and stability. The urgency of the terrorist threat demands that the UN talks reach a solution to enable a truly national Libyan counterterrorism campaign against ISIL/Da'esh and other UN-designated terrorist groups.
In this regard, we note with favour the recognition of the parties participating in the UN dialogue of the need for a united Libyan front and an empowered Libyan State in order to confront the growing threat of terrorism in Libya.
We express our full support to United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General Leon in facilitating a negotiated settlement to the conflict which aims for a government of national unity and in his determination to continue to contribute to the transition process in Libya. We therefore welcome the statement of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya of 24 March and proposals to expedite the talks. We note that these proposals have been formulated after discussions with all the Libyan parties to the talks.
We call on all regional actors and neighbours of Libya to use their influence on all domestic Libya actors to ensure a successful outcome of the negotiations and to refrain from actions that can exacerbate current divisions. A government of national unity as the result of the UN-led process would be a partner which the international community would fully support in addressing Libya's current challenges.
We underline our readiness to use UNSC Resolution 2213 (2015) to sanction those who obstruct or undermine the successful completion of the political dialogue process.
We are concerned by reports of severe human rights abuses and the targeting of civilians, including allegations of war crimes. We call on parties to end hostilities and to protect human rights, in particular the rights of women, children and vulnerable groups. We underline our commitment to hold accountable those responsible for human rights violations. Proliferation of unsecured arms and ammunition in Libya presents a threat to national and regional peace and stability. We reaffirm our commitment to enforce UNSC resolutions on Libya including arms embargo.
We are deeply concerned by recent developments in Yemen and the deterioration of the political, security and humanitarian situation. We join members of the Security Council in support of President Hadi, the legitimate President of Yemen. All action taken should be in accordance with international law.
We see the urgent need for a resumption of the UN-led negotiations and call on all Yemeni parties to commit to resolving their differences through dialogue and consultation. Only through the formation of a Government of National Unity under President Hadi it will be possible to finalise the transition process and avoid economic and financial collapse and the deepening of the humanitarian crisis. The GCC initiative, the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and the Peace and National Partnership Agreement must be fully implemented. We further urge all parties to fully implement respective UN-Security Council resolutions, in particular UNSC Resolutions 2201 and 2216.
The international community will continue to use diplomatic support and assistance to achieve long-term stability and avoid further bloodshed in Yemen. We call for the respect of international humanitarian law, protection of civilians and unhindered access of humanitarian assistance in Yemen.
We G7 strongly condemn the deadly terrorist attack at the Bardo Museum in Tunisia on 18 March. Through their march of solidarity on 29 March, the Tunisian people have demonstrated their unequivocal rejection of violent extremism and their determination to stand up against terrorism. We will continue to work with the Government of Tunisia as it strengthens security, and advances, uninterrupted, the democratic transition that the country has worked so hard to achieve. We look forward to closer dialogue with the Tunisian Government on potential areas of cooperation, including on structural economic reforms. We will strengthen our support to the Tunisian authorities and society at large in support to the democratic transition.
Achieving Middle East peace remains a key priority and an indispensable element for regional stability and security. Immediate focus should be on efforts to de-escalate and stabilise the situation, including the transfer of clearance revenues. Both parties should also recommit to the reconstruction of Gaza and to the rapid improvement of the humanitarian circumstances.
We urge both sides to avoid steps which could spark further escalation, including unilateral measures which could prejudge the outcome of negotiations and threaten the viability of the two-state solution. We call for both sides to exert further efforts to build mutual trust. We reaffirm our commitment to supporting an end to the conflict and our readiness to contribute actively to a negotiated solution of all final status issues. We note the Quartet Principals meeting which was held in Munich on 8 February 2015. We support the Quartet's efforts, including regular and direct outreach to Arab States. We reaffirm the importance of the Arab Peace Initiative.
Against this backdrop and taking into account the situation in the whole region, a resumption of concrete steps towards achieving a comprehensive peace based on two sovereign and democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side-by-side in peace within secure and recognised borders, should not be further delayed. A one-state reality would not be compatible with the national aspirations of both parties.
We reiterate our long-term commitment to an enduring partnership with the Government of Afghanistan to foster a stable, prosperous and democratic future for Afghanistan and the greater region. We remain committed to supporting the Afghan Government in its efforts to undertake key reforms, to further improve governance and the rule of law, to promote the respect of human rights, including women's rights, to fight corruption, to counter narcotics, to improve fiscal sustainability and to foster inclusive economic growth. We welcome the establishment of the NATO-led international engagement to train, advise and assist the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces. We continue to actively encourage the strengthening and financing of the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces as they continue to further improve their capabilities. We remain committed to supporting an inclusive Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process of reconciliation.
We welcome also the recent renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) by the UN Security Council.
We strongly condemn North Korea's continued development of its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes, including its plutonium production and uranium enrichment programme and ballistic missile launches, and call on North Korea to cease all related activities immediately.
We share the view that the DPRK's continued refusal to comply with its denuclearisation commitments and obligations continues to undermine regional stability as well as international peace and security.
We urge the DPRK to refrain from any provocative action and to create an environment conducive to the resumption of the Six-Party Talks by taking concrete steps to abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear and ballistic missile programmes in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner.
We also renew our strong demand for the DPRK to comply with all the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and its commitments under the 2005 Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks.
We call on the international community to fully implement all relevant UN Security Council resolutions and exercise vigilance against North Korea's proliferation activities worldwide.
We reiterate our grave concerns over the ongoing systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations in the DPRK documented in the report of the UN Commission of Inquiry. We urge the DPRK to take immediate steps to address these violations, including on the abductions issue, and to cooperate fully with all relevant UN bodies. We welcome the UN Security Council's decision to add the situation in the DPRK to the list of issues of which it is seized and underscore the importance of continuing to work towards accountability.
We express our deepest sympathies to the families of the victims of the unprecedented Ebola outbreak in West Africa. More than ten thousand men, women and children died, many more have lost their health, their family and livelihood to the epidemic. We bow to the heroism of all national and international health responders who exposed themselves to a deadly virus without a standard cure in order to help others in need. We reiterate our firm commitment to end the Ebola epidemic by reducing to zero - and sustaining at zero - cases through continued and appropriate emergency aid and support to recovery plans.
We will collectively assist around the world, including in West Africa, to achieve common targets to prevent future outbreaks from becoming epidemics. We seek to achieve all common targets set by the World Health Organization's International Health Regulations and the Global Health Security Agenda.
We have devoted a substantial part of our discussions to the consequences of the Ebola outbreak and agreed on the stand-alone declaration "Beyond Ebola: a G7 agenda to help prevent future crises and enhance security in Africa", which flags the importance of coordinating activity to increase resilience e.g. through mechanisms available via the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction and the Global Health Security Agenda.
We will remain seized of the matter and review progress at our next meeting.
We welcome the peaceful elections held recently in a number of countries that stand as testimony to strengthening democratic institutions. We hope this will continue throughout this important year for elections across Africa.
We underline the overall importance of respecting national constitutions and the holding of peaceful, transparent and credible elections that reflect the will of the people and allow for renewal of leadership.
We welcome the progress made to date in enhancing the capacity of the African Union and regional organisations to prevent, and manage crises on the continent. We reaffirm our commitment to support them in the framework of APSA. We agree to cooperate more closely in preventing conflicts and tackling the root causes of instability, fragility and conflict.
We commend Nigeria and its citizens for a successful presidential and legislative election in Nigeria on March 28 and gubernatorial elections in 29 Federal States on 11 April. We also commend President Goodluck Jonathan and President-Elect Muhammadu Buhari for their public commitments to non-violence throughout the campaigns. We congratulate outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan on his service to Nigeria. We welcome the commitments made by both President Jonathan and President-Elect Buhari to work closely together in order to ensure a smooth transition to the new government. Nigeria's Independent Election Commission (INEC) and its Chairman, Attahiru Jega, also deserve special recognition for organising a vote which was deemed by independent international observers as largely peaceful and orderly. INEC is to be recommended for its extensive efforts to increase the credibility and transparency of the electoral process. We look forward to working with the next administration on our many shared interests, including responding to economic challenges and ensuring stability.
We condemn in the strongest possible terms the atrocities committed by Boko Haram, in particular the killing of more than five thousand people last year. Yesterday we marked one year since more than 200 girls were kidnapped from their school in Chibok, the majority of whom are still missing. Boko Haram poses a threat not only to Nigeria but to the whole region. Therefore, the G7 welcomes the efforts towards a regional approach including through the African Union and the Lake Chad Basin Commission. We commend the recent military success of Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon in the fight against Boko Haram. We welcome the establishment of the Multinational Joint Task Force MNJTF and agree to support the MNJTF as appropriate and encourage regional partners to join in these efforts. The MNJTF can play an important role in supporting Nigeria and other regional countries in restoring and maintaining security in Boko Haram affected areas. We underline the importance of the respect for human rights in the fight against Boko Haram.
Tackling Boko Haram will require a comprehensive approach of the Nigerian central and state governments, by integrating military, economic development and humanitarian strategies for North East Nigeria. We underscore the importance of building on military success with police and civil administration engagement to restore stability and the rule of law, thus enabling development and job creation, prerequisites for breaking the cycle of violence.
Nigeria and its neighbours continue to have our full support in this endeavour, including support for refugees and IDPs. We invite partners in Africa as well as African regional organisations and the broader international community to condemn Boko Haram and join in the efforts to combat Boko Haram.
We will continue to support Mali in its quest for sustainable and inclusive peace and we urge all parties to sign the peace agreement as soon as possible. We appreciate the leadership of Algeria in convening and furthering a process of inter-Malian dialogue which has broad endorsement of the international community. We support the efforts of MINUSMA towards helping Mali achieve the peace process. Nonetheless, we are concerned that without strong political will on the part of all conflict parties to sign and implement a sustainable peace agreement this effort could fail. As part of the international community we can assist this process, but the key responsibility lies with the Malian conflict parties themselves. The fight against impunity is key to ensure lasting stabilisation and reconciliation.
We welcome the commitment of the Central African Republic transitional authorities to complete the transition process, including through the preparation of the Bangui National Forum whose role is crucial for promoting peace and reconciliation throughout the country. We call upon all institutions, in accordance with the Transitional National Charter, to swiftly take the necessary steps to accelerate the preparation of the electoral process with a view to holding free, fair and credible elections as a matter of urgency, if possible by August 2015.
We support the involvement of the international community and in particular the action of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) towards helping the transitional authorities to successfully achieve those transition processes, as well as the efforts of other regional and international partners, including the EU implication in the framework of its global approach.
We stress the urgent need for mobilising financial resources in support of the Central African Republic and strongly encourage all international partners to provide additional funding to bridge the gaps regarding the electoral process, the budgetary situation of the Central African State, disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration efforts, the humanitarian situation and the fight against impunity.
We reiterate our strong support for the people of the Central African Republic in their pursuit of peace, justice, and reconciliation and call upon armed groups to lay down their weapons and contribute positively to the future of their country.
We will continue to stand behind the New Deal Compact for Somalia, agreed by the Somali Federal Government, the Somali people and international partners in conformity with Vision 2016, including by supporting state/institution-building. We urge the Government to make progress in view of the 2016 elections.
We consider it key to improve relations between the Federal Government and the regional Authorities in order to advance the political agenda and progress in the security sector.
We will continue to support AMISOM, its troop contributors and the Somali Government in their fight against al-Shabaab and their efforts to enhance security in Somalia and the region. We stress the need to keep up the momentum in the creation of functional and viable Somali National Security Forces.
We will further urge the Government of Somalia to protect human rights, especially the rights of women and children, including in the context of the ongoing armed conflict.
We condemn the terrorist attack against innocent students at Garissa University on 2 April. We support crucial efforts to fight al-Shabaab through the African Union Mission in Somalia and we stand with the people of Kenya in the face of this despicable attack.
We express disappointment that a genuine National Dialogue has not begun in Sudan and that an environment conducive to participatory and credible elections does not exist. As we have stated previously, we believe a comprehensive and inclusive National Dialogue is a necessary process for Sudan to develop a truly representative political system. Only through dialogue can the people of Sudan confront and resolve the fundamental issues of governance, political inclusiveness, resource sharing, national identity, and social equality in a manner that will benefit all Sudanese.
The absence of meaningful dialogue, the continuation of conflicts in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile, the detention of opposition members and the constraints on political space and press freedoms make clear that the elections planned for April 13-15 will not credibly express the political will of the Sudanese people.
We continue to support a National Dialogue process to bring an end to conflicts, initiate meaningful governance reform, establish inclusive participatory politics, and ensure long-term stability in Sudan, and we urge the government, rebels and opposition to engage genuinely in such a dialogue.
We note Sudan's constructive stance, furthering the cooperation on the Nile water issues.
The Sudanese people are paying a heavy cost due to the ongoing violence in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile. We recognise the importance of humanitarian access to these areas, where 3.8 million Sudanese have fled violence and urge all partners of Sudan to engage in it.
We will continue to support the African Union High Implementation Panel (AU-HIP)-led process to reach a ceasefire agreements between the Government of Sudan (GOS) and the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF).
We call on the Government of Sudan to grant the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) and humanitarian agencies full cooperation and unfettered access, and to give human rights organisations full scope to investigate allegations of human rights violations. We urge the Government to cooperate fully with the UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Sudan.
We condemn the on-going violence in South Sudan and are deeply concerned by its impact on the civilian population and on neighbouring countries. We express our profound disappointment that South Sudan's leaders have not secured peace for the people of South Sudan. We call on all sides to fully respect the cessation of hostilities agreement and to establish a transitional government of national unity through an inclusive process that recognises the grievances of all South Sudanese people.
We support the establishment of an enhanced framework for peace negotiations reaffirming the crucial role of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the African Union (AU) and other important actors to swiftly get peace negotiations back on track.
We support the use of the full range of multilateral, bilateral and regional tools to increase pressure, in accordance with UNSC Resolution 2206, on both sides to resolve all outstanding issues without further delay.
We encourage the AU to release the final report of the AU Commission of Inquiry on human rights violations and abuses and recommendations for accountability, reconciliation and healing.
We reiterate our support to UNMISS and its action for the protection of civilians and the stabilisation of the security situation.
We strongly support the increased efforts between and among affected Sahelian states in addressing the various challenges to the region, including insecurity from terrorist threat, low level of human development, demographic pressures and the impact of climate change. We will continue to support capacity building and assistance to address poverty and instability in the region. To that end, we recognise the efforts of the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum and were encouraged by the participation of the Sahel countries in the last Sahel Working group meeting in March 2015. We will continue to support the efforts of the region to address the security and development challenges including the fight against illicit trade in small arms and light weapons. We stress the importance of continuing close coordination between the various international actors – in particular the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union – with a view to ensuring synergies in the implementation of their respective strategies.
We strongly condemn the heinous and cowardly acts perpetrated by terrorist groups, such as recently in Garissa, Paris, Copenhagen and Tunis as well as murder of innocent hostages. We stand united in our efforts to fight terrorism, violent extremism and the radicalisation to violence. We underline the need to bring perpetrators of terrorist acts to justice as well as to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to freedom of expression and freedom of religion or belief, as well as the principles of human dignity, non-discrimination, rejection of extremism, tolerance and pluralism.
Returning foreign terrorist fighters from Syria and Iraq represent an important challenge to our national security. The G7 calls on all states to fully implement the relevant UNSC Resolutions that address the FTF phenomenon and counter terrorist financing, including hostage-taking and kidnapping for ransom.
The G7 will also continue to address the use of the internet for terrorist purposes such as radicalisation to violence, recruitment, financing or planning of terrorist attacks and we will continue to promote counter-narrative initiatives.
Recent developments show that a comprehensive, whole-of-society approach is needed, addressing economic, social and educational conditions as well as employment policies and engaging all relevant actors including civil society representatives in order to address the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism and violent extremism. G7 members are committed to providing appropriate support to the follow-on activities inspired by the U.S.-hosted Summit on Countering Violent Extremism and the related leaders' meeting to be held in New York in September.
Cooperation is key in order to effectively fight terrorism. The international community should continue to closely collaborate and exchange relevant information. Cooperation with regional and international partners is paramount in order to be successful. Therefore, G7 states are determined to continue to reach out to relevant partners, including regional organisations, bilaterally or in multilateral frameworks. In order to enhance states' capabilities to counter terrorism and violent extremism while respecting and promoting human rights and the rule of law, G7 states stand ready to support capacity-building measures as appropriate.
The G7 also calls on the international community to collaborate closely and exchange relevant information, particularly information under UNSC Resolution 2178 related to the provision by airlines operating on their territory of advance passenger information in order to detect travel of individuals designated by the Committee established pursuant to Resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011).We welcome the outcome of the plenary meeting of the Financial Action Task Force in February and call on all states to meet the standards set by the FATF. States should implement the necessary measures in order to effectively detect and prosecute terrorist financing activities as well as freeze terrorist funds and thus disrupt terrorist financing. We look forward to the report asked for by G20 Finance Ministers by October 2015, on progress made and proposals to strengthen all counter-terrorism financing tools.
The G7 commits to remain actively engaged in the work underway in other multilateral fora such as the United Nations, the GCTF and the Counter-ISIL coalition.
We ask the G7 Roma-Lyon Group to continue working on these issues.
Climate change is among the most serious challenges facing our world. It poses a threat to the environment, to global security and economic prosperity. It has the potential to reverse the progress that has been made in the past decades in tackling global poverty. Without adequate mitigation and adaptation efforts, the impacts of rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns heighten the risk of instability and conflict. We must effectively address this challenge.
Reducing global emissions of greenhouse gases is essential to successfully mitigating the risks of climate change. We therefore reaffirm the G7 commitment to fully support efforts to reach, in Paris in December 2015, a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention that promotes ambition, applies to all parties and reflects evolving national circumstances. We look forward to the submission of the INDCs (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) as soon as possible. This should enable all countries to follow a low-carbon and resilient sustainable development pathway, in light of the goal to hold the increase in global average temperature below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. We therefore reaffirm that deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions are required according to science, as documented in the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and that all countries should take urgent action to meet the 2°C goal.
We recognise that relevant international processes and other work occurring this year, including the Financing for Development Conference, the Post 2015 Agenda, the work of the Conference of the Parties under the UNFCCC, the Sendai Framework for Action and the World Humanitarian Summit, offer a unique opportunity to enhance and bring greater coherence and complementarity to international efforts to reduce the risks posed by climate change, to support preparedness and resilience to disasters and to promote sustainable growth.
We therefore welcome the external study, commissioned by the G7 Foreign Ministries in 2014 and now submitted to us under the title "An New Climate for Peace: Taking Action on Climate and Fragility Risks" by an international consortium of think tanks, which analyses the compound risks of climate change on fragile states and regions, identifies critical pathways through which climate change is likely to have significant interactions with the stability and fragility of states and societies, and recommends that G7 governments should align their efforts toward the common goal of increasing resilience and reducing fragility in the face of global climate change.
We agree on the need to better understand, identify, monitor and address the compound risks associated with climate change and fragility. Integrating climate-fragility considerations across foreign policy portfolios will allow G7 countries to better assess climate-related security challenges and to assist other countries in preparing for and responding to these risks.
We have decided to set up and task a working group with evaluating the study's recommendations up to the end of 2015 in order for it to report back to us regarding possible implementation in time for our meeting in 2016. For this purpose, the group will consider the need to, inter alia, facilitate the exchange of information and views, including with interested partners affected by situations of fragility, to better work in cooperation with interested partners affected by situations of fragility, to better understand and respond to climate-fragility risks, to work with existing institutions to make better use of and conduct integrated climate and fragility risk assessments, and to develop operational guidance materials.
The aspirations of the people throughout the Arab region for greater political participation, economic development and social justice remain as important as ever.
We underline our strong belief that only open, inclusive societies and economies, underpinned by the rule of law and respect for human rights can achieve lasting progress on the path towards stability and prosperity.
In its four years of existence the Deauville Partnership has proven to be a valuable platform for dialogue on reform issues as well as improving mobilisation and coordination of multilateral support towards countries of the MENA region. We remain fully engaged in the Deauville Partnership to provide coordinated and tailored support to Arab countries in transition, both in the fields of governance and the economic reform, taking into account the challenges each of them have to face.
In response to the priorities expressed by the Arab countries in transition, we welcome the focus of the Deauville Partnership on improving economic governance, enhancing financial inclusion, fostering job creation in particular for women and youth, closer regional integration and the involvement of civil society as themes for high-level conferences and meetings during the German Presidency in 2015. We also welcome that a number of these events will look at improving women's economic role in the region.
The Partnership's commitment regarding the return of stolen assets remains undiminished. We will therefore further develop our collaboration through the Arab Forum on Asset Recovery (AFAR).
Progress was also achieved with regard to the Transition Fund. We encourage continued contributions to the Transition Fund to meet with the Fund's capitalisation goal of 250 million USD. With 213.5 million USD pledged to the fund, and 170miliion USD allocated to projects, the Fund remains a high-quality and well-managed instrument of development cooperation in the MENA region. We welcome the focus under the German Presidency on the efficient implementation of Transition Fund projects and areas most relevant for the region, in order to provide sustainable project outcomes
In a situation of rising cyber threats, we underscore the importance of promoting and protecting a single, interoperable open, free and secure Internet. We stress that international law, and in particular the UN Charter, is applicable and is essential to maintaining peace and stability and promoting an open, secure, peaceful and accessible cyberspace. In this context, we look forward to the report of the UN Group of Governmental Experts on, among other things, how international law applies in cyberspace. We also affirm the important role that additional peacetime cyber measures can play in promoting international stability, and we support the ongoing work of the UN Group of Governmental Experts in this area.
We acknowledge the importance of the Internet for citizens, for business, and for governments in fostering education, prosperity, freedom, democracy and human rights. The openness, transparency and freedom of the Internet have been key to its development and success. Human rights have to be ensured simultaneously, online as well as offline. We stress the need for political discourse, nationally and internationally, with a view to advancing freedom and security, transparency and the effective protection of personal data and individual privacy on the Internet.
We emphasise our commitment to the multi-stakeholder approach to Internet governance.
We stress the necessity to advance the international fight against cybercrime including by improving international judicial cooperation in this field. In this context, we welcome the accession of multiple states to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and encourage more states to consider joining.
We also affirm the importance of the work done by the G7 Roma-Lyon Group's High-Tech Crime Sub-Group and its 24/7 Network of Contact Points to strengthen and expand international cooperation in the fight against cybercrime.
We reaffirm the importance of increased efforts for international cyber capacity building. We call for more such initiatives involving a wide range of partners, including industry, to deliver increased and more effective capacity building across the globe.
The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems remains a pressing concern. Furthermore, the uncontrolled proliferation of small arms and light weapons and other conventional weapons and their ammunition poses a threat to security in many regions of the world. Against this backdrop, we endorse the G7 Statement on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament.
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty remains the cornerstone of the nuclear non-proliferation regime and the essential foundation for the pursuit of nuclear disarmament in accordance with Article VI and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The upcoming Ninth Review Conference provides an opportunity to strengthen the Treaty across its three pillars. We call upon NPT States Parties to work towards a successful conclusion and substantial consensus outcome of the Conference that builds upon the success achieved in 2010.
We support the United States hosting the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit and commit ourselves to work towards the goal of strengthening the global nuclear security architecture.
We reaffirm our commitment to the protection and promotion of all human rights and fundamental freedoms. We also affirm a commitment to end all forms of discrimination. We will be tireless in our efforts to promote gender equality and to combat all forms of violence against women and girls, including their protection in conflict and ending child, early, and forced marriage. Moreover, we underline the universal and interdependent character of all human rights, including civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights. All human rights should be exercised without fear of violence and repression.
We recognise the important role of civil society in promoting and protecting human rights. We will work towards safeguarding a free space for civil society, while ensuring the safety of human rights defenders.
Women, peace and security including preventing sexual violence in conflict
We emphasise the importance of promoting women's active and meaningful participation across G7 global efforts to achieve sustainable peace and security, pursuant to UNSC Resolution 1325 and related resolutions. We stress the need for women's full participation in all political, governance and security structures and at all levels of decision-making processes, recognising that gender equality and women's empowerment contribute to the stabilisation and prosperity of societies.
We express continued commitment to enhancing the role of women in conflict prevention, resolution and peacebuilding while stressing the need for the removal of barriers to their full participation.
We welcome recent national and international efforts, including the United Kingdom's Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative supported by the G7, to encourage action to prevent and respond to acts of sexual violence in armed conflict, whose widespread and often systematic occurrence against women and girls as well as men and boys remains a source of serious concern. In this regard, we welcome the progress to date in implementing the 2013 G8 Declaration on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict and underline our commitment to further efforts in this regard, including through support to those working to prevent and respond to these crimes.
We reiterate our political commitment to and funding support for activities in the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 at the national and international level.
We call upon all states to use the occasion of this year's UN Security Council's High Level Review of Resolution 1325 to accelerate implementation of this critical agenda.
Source: Auswärtiges Amt, Germany
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